If you would like to get an api key feel free to contact us, (its free) :)
url : https://mail-inbox.me/actions.php?action=getDomains&apikey=[yourkey]
url : https://mail-inbox.me/user.php?user=[emailID]&apikey=[yourkey]
url : https://mail-inbox.me/mail.php?email=[emailID]&apikey=[yourkey]
Above API call will provide a JSON response with all details of all emails in the inbox of particular email ID. It will provide file name and link to download for Attachments. It will also provide links Delete and Download emails. Make sure you append your API key (like &apikey=[yourkey] ) to the end of Delete and Download URLs.
"textPlain":"Api response test\r\n",
"textHtml":"API TEST MESSAGE",
"date":"2019-07-30 08:21:00",
"fromaddress":"sender name <sender@host.com>",
"personal":"sender name",
"mailbox":"sender name",
"reply_toaddress":"sender name <sender@host.com>",
"personal":"sender name",
"mailbox":"sender name",
"senderaddress":"sender name <sender@host.com>",
"personal":"sender name",
"mailbox":"sender name",
"fromName":"sender name",
"toString":"test@mail-inbox.me <test@mail-inbox.me>",
"sender@host.com":"sender name"